About Me

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name's Sufi Soleha Supian. also known as triple S. hehe! my mum gave birth 4 me on 27th May 1991. now i'm 8teen. i'm studying at Yayasan Pelajaran Johor since may'09, dip in culinary art. in future, i'll be a chef. then, i wanna be a master chef at a huge company's kitchen..

Friday, December 25, 2009

a half day in a blue kancil

that day, i went to sightseeing with my ever bestfren..
she came to my house with a kind heart to fetch me..
what a nice moment..
she brought me to kfc for lunch.. (act, i already ate at my home, but i eat again coz i cant stand just to see that delicious food)
lots of things we talked about..
lots of secrets she told me..
lots of friends matters she said to me..
sincerely, i've got a beautiful and great day with her..
hope it'll b last 4ever..

*english yg makin berterabur~

1 comment:

  1. huhuhuhu~
    touching seyh..
    whO ur kind and pretty friend that just u said at the entry?

